Time for a Spring Reboot?

Time for a Spring Reboot?

by our Naturopath, Diane Pascoe

detox water bottle reboot health

The long, wet winter has finally come to an end! Is it about time you reset and reboot your system?

The winter brought fantastic rain for the farmers and dams, but with it came endless viruses which plagued many with sinusitis, coughs and fatigue. Often multiple times!

The cold weather also kept many of us indoors and away from our usual exercise routines too, so as the season changes it is not uncommon to be carrying a few extra kilos while still struggling with the residual symptoms of a virus.

As Spring starts to ‘dry us out’, it’s the perfect time get back on track, feeling well and energised, applying a holistic approach. This is one of the most popular times of the year to ‘reboot the system’ with a detox.

A spring detox is the perfect opportunity to ‘clean up’ your diet, support elimination pathways such as the liver, and nourish the microbiome. By the end of the process you should have lost a few kilos, notice improved skin texture, less fluid retention, better gut function, healthier eating habits, and more energy.

With the drying out of vegetation and the easterly winds, now is also the time to quickly implement a Hay Fever protocol if you are a sufferer. New and improved remedies are now available that are very effective, and very broad in their scope of treatment, as well as non-drowsy and safe for all!


If you’re considering a springtime reboot, why not make an appointment to see Diane?