Remembering Your Resolutions

Remembering Your Resolutions

Do you remember the health goals and New Years Resolutions you set last month?
Our Naturopath Diane shares her advice on how best to stick to them, and how to find wellness in 2019!

The beginning a new year is always a brilliant time to reset and reboot your focus when it comes to your health…. The wise saying “if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything” is so true. It really is a great feeling to be in the healthy ‘zone’ or ‘sweet spot’!

Finding the perfect balance of eating well, exercising regularly, having good quality sleep, and providing support for your body’s ‘weak spots’ will lead to achieving a terrific sense of well-being.


Who would like to feel more energised than last year?

Who would like to have less colds and flus?

Would you like clear, sensible, evidence-based advice about your diet and good food choices?

Would you like to improve your body composition with a sensible, long-term plan?

Are you tired of struggling with indigestion?


There is no need to worry about “being perfect”; rather, just doing the best you can at that moment in time with the resources that you’ve got!

An individualised Naturopathic consultation will take all of your health issues and concerns into account so that a strategy can be recommended that addresses your:

  • Sleep
  • Energy levels
  • Exercise regime
  • Diet
  • Mental health
  • Digestion
  • And any of those other ‘weak spots’ that need attention

Referrals to other health practitioners, including your GP, might also be considered.

It’s important to note that seeing a Naturopath does not mean turning your back on conventional medicine – in fact, far from it! Good Naturopaths will always work in a complimentary manner to orthodox medicine.

Focusing on your health with the assistance of a strategy and goals, as well as being accountable to a Healthcare Professional, makes New Year Resolutions easier to keep, and achieving a greater sense of wellbeing more likely to be successful!


Book your consultation with Diane today, and find out how you can make 2019 your healthiest year yet!