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Osteopathic Information and Tips

As Osteopaths, we understand our patients’ injuries and know how to manage their pain. Let us help you feel your best.

Summer 2014 | Children & Probiotics

Children & Probiotics Why the ‘good bugs’ in your child’s digestive tract are essential to their wellbeing by Renae Trivic The digestive tract houses a collection of microbes in excess of 1000 species. In a symbiotic relationship, they collectively function as a major part of your immune system. The development of the microflora colony in…

Spring 2013 | Vital Protein Muesli Bar Recipe

Vital Protein Muesli Bar Recipe Boost your protein intake with this delicious recipe! Healthy, tasty, and simple to make, these bars are the perfect snack for when you’re on the go! Vital Protein powder is smooth and mixes easily into any recipe, and helps to boost your protein intake. It is natural, alkaline, and contains…

Autumn 2013 | What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial Osteopathy What is Cranial Osteopathy and what is it good for? Cranial osteopathy is a refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment, using very gentle manipulative pressure to encourage the release of stresses throughout the entire body, including the head. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions in people of all…

Workstation Setup

Workstation Setup Your workstation should be set up to cause the least amount of stress on your body. Prolonged hours of poor posture or repetitive work habits, often in a stressful environment can result in significant overuse injury. Applying the following points can help tominimise such injuries. Important points to note : Site in front…

10 Healthy Back Tips

10 Tips for a Healthy Back Exercise Regulary – This doesn’t have to be anything overly strenuous. Something as simple as a daily walk can make a huge difference. Eat A Healthy Diet – Proper nutrients allow the body to repair itself easier Maintain Good Posture – Are you sitting up straight as you read…

Ice & Heat Applications

Ice and Heath Applications Ice is an effective and natural pain killer and anti-inflammatory. Ice should be applied over the inflamed area in the acute or early stages of your problem. (See below for application) Whenever you experience swelling, redness or sharp / stabbing pain it is generally considered best to apply ice. Repeat until…

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Painful shoulder conditions that limit movement are very common, and are caused by injuries affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It is possible to do more movements with the arm than with any other part of the body. The arm is such a useful tool that it’s a pity that…


Sciatica Chiropractors regularly treat sciatica and have terrific results. Sciatica is the Latin word for “Pain down the back of the leg” Sciatica is referred pain usually caused by trapping the sciatic nerve in the lower back. See back pain. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back down through the buttocks and along the…

Neck Pain

Neck Pain If you are one of the many Australians that suffers with neck pain, you will be pleased to know that our proven Osteopathy approach may offer the solution you have been searching for. One out of ten of us will have neck pain at some time in our life. In most cases it…


Headaches Headache is one of the most common illnesses in Australia, with around 15 per cent of us taking painkillers for a headache at any given time. Because headaches are so common, most people think they are a normal part of life. However, a persistent headache is a sign that something is wrong. The continual…